Wednesday, November 13, 2013

when did it become popular to...

Lately I've been straight up perplexed about life and fashion and people and just the whole bunch of mess. I feel like I must have fallen asleep for 100 years and woken up to a cluster bomb (that's me using my "lady language" because about half of you can guess what I really wanted to say) of confusion. So let's just start with the first thing that's on my mind, people. Like, the general population of human beings...

When did it become popular to look like a poster child for "People at Walmart" when flying on an airplane??? Air travel use to be a glamorous event where people would wear nice clean clothing and actually shower before cramming into a metal container and flying off to wherever their destination might be. I'm not even trying to get on a soapbox about how we need to look like Audrey Hepburn and glam the heck up to travel. Travel is long and exhausting and usually annoying as all get-out. What I'm saying is that now days, and it feels like it just magically happened, people are rolling into airports in the same pair of sweat pants that they've been wearing for a week straight and a clear disregard for any and all hygiene (dental, personal, you name it!). Now look, no judgement if you want to rock crusty sweats with stank breath (wait... who am I kidding?? I am definitely judging you.) but do it in the privacy of your own, presumably filthy, home. Have some common courtesy (which apparently is not so common anymore) and put on some clean clothes and brush that cave of gingivitis so we can all fly in harmony.
In a nutshell, do this...

Not this... 

When did it become popular for a "beautiful" woman to look so dang sad in photos??? What was wrong with the smile? We all need to look pained and out of breath to be beautiful now? Hell nah (oh snap, here I go getting a little more unfiltered. You can tell I'm getting heated over here!)! Let me tell you how I came to this shocking discovery... I am casually browsing Pinterest this morning, per usual, and I'm picking out hair styles that I want to try, and I say to my husband, "I would never look like these people if I cut my hair like that.". And his response is... wait for it... wait for it... "well no kidding. These women look pissed. You smile too much to really get that look.". Shocking and not the response I was looking for --- I was going for more of a, "Babe, you are much hotter than those chicks.", but whatevs. However, with the help of my blunt hubs, I noticed that nearly every fashion or beauty or whatever shot you see is of a woman NOT smiling. Life is hard, believe it sister! But life is really really hard if you can't learn to smile. We are all going to get wrinkles. Don't you want your wrinkles to show proof that your life was fun and exciting and amazing?!? Smiling should be what's trendy and beautiful; I think that, I'm sure you think that, so starting now we are going to start a smile-lution (smile revolution, if you will). Perk up buttercup!
We are going from this... 

to this...

What has you asking "when did it become so popular to..."? Share your thoughts; I'm sure we are probably thinking the same thing. haha!



Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hair Problems

Dear Readers,

Have any of you noticed that women with amazing hair can wear almost anything and look may-jer (translation = perfect)?!? Seriously, rock any questionable outfit with amazing hair, red lips and big sunnies and you will instantly be having a seriously drool-worthy moment. Well, I am not one of those people and I am begging for your help!

But it's almost always homeless... and it's not "homeless chic", it's "homeless, oh my gosh, I wonder how that happened? Does she know? Here kids, don't get too close to that.". What I'm trying to say is I have not mastered this mop on my head and I need to, immediately if not sooner. 

I need to find that needle in a haystack product that women swear by. Every woman has their own magic bottle of hair wonderful that, when they eventually find, they live and die by (and have a mini-meltdown when they discover it's no longer available), and I want mine! 

So I'm ready to take your suggestions... starting.... NOW! Background info -- I have long, fine, part wavy/part straight and limp hair. Gracias in advance friends :)


Monday, October 7, 2013

WINE! not just a drink, my friends

Admittedly, I've been a little M.I.A. lately... my bad dawg. And I'm just going to spare you in explaining where I've been, and all that jazz, because it really isn't that interesting and we have much more important things to discuss; like wine! 

I love wine. Period. --- I could probably just end this post there and 99% of you would feel satisfied with the effort you took to read my thoughts, because you feel the same way, but I won't. --- And I love love love how fall brings the richness of Malbec, Pinot Noir, etc and drenches our clothes in that deep, beautiful, full bodied hue of color. It literally flatters everyone's skin tone and is the perfect pair for my other favorite fashion color... black (black is back! I mean, did it ever really leave?!?!).

Anyways, back to the wine... it is here and having a full on trend moment, and I am drooling over every piece (especially every piece that we have coming in for --- check it out! We will be set to sell in just a few weeks!). So before I show you some of my favorite wine moments of  the season, remember this... DO - wear wine inspired colors. DON'T - take that as an excuse to get sloppy schlobered and spill wine all over your clothes. That does not fall "on trend" and I will judge you. Just saying. 

This is it! I don't know who she is, but that ensemble is EVERY-THANG!

Ugh, this feels so NYC chic... I drool; drooooool darlins! 

A little harder to see, but check out those sneaks'! Get it B!

I hope you are loving this moment as much as I am. And if not, tell us about what color is catching your eye! 


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lust List, Must List; po-tay-to, po-tah-to

These days there are boxes and boxes of adorbs clothes being delivered to mi casa on the daily, and I literally have to put something else in my hands to avoid pulling out every piece and doing a fashion show for my dog. This is one of those rare moments in opening a new business that you actually have to wait to share the goodness with the rest of the world (yes, the world! Because in my mind we are totally going to be international #positivethinking) since we are still prepping for our launch November 1st! Boom, I said it. November 1st. Mark your calendars! 

Anyways, one of my favorite things to distract me from the boxes of fantasticness is to surf the web for the latest trends and act like I have an unlimited amount of money to actually buy it (which I don't, at all). And although Miley Cyrus has made it insanely difficult to maneuver the internet without seeing her twerk and jerk all over the place (seriously child, seriously... ), I've managed to find some of the most amazefest garms ever! This may or may not end up being my most favorite Fall ever! Here is a little collage, vision board, polyvore-ish, collaboration of some of my favorite fall lusts and musts...

Dainty necklaces, leather bombers, maxi skirts, winter whites, chunky watches, leather skirts, boyfriend jeans and a classic pump... oh my! 

What are your lusts and musts for fall???


Monday, August 26, 2013

lookin' good for your man-friend in your boyfriend's...


Boyfriend jeans (the cut, not actual jeans from a boyfriend. And definitely never jeans from an ex-boyfriend! And while we are throwing around this jeans and boyfriends and ex-boyfriends talk... ladies, if your boyfriend is wearing girl jeans just walk away... and if you find him wanting to straight up share your jeans, RUN! Run and never look back. Alright, now back to our legit topic...) are the jam! There are literally so many great things about this cut of jean, I'm not even entirely sure where to start. 

Let's just start here... What I am about to say is not for the faint at heart, so brace yourself. These jeans are probably your vag's best friend. Finally, a pair of jeans that let's your lady bits breathe! It is virtually impossible to sport a camel toe with these. Now I love a good pair of skinnies as well as the next girl, but c'mon. These jeans were made for the bend-and-snap (Legally Blonde anyone?!?!). Skinnies were made for the uh-I can almost bend-and I'm fairly positive that the only snap is going to be the seam on the backside. 

Aside from the aforementioned health benefits of these jeans, they are friggin' sexy in the I'm-not-even-trying-to-look-so-hot-I-just-do kind of way. Don't believe me? Just take a look at our favorite celebs rocking their boyfriend jeans...

Get your sassy strut on in a pair with a slouchy tee and wedges = amaze! Check out Miss Aniston; she is probably these jeans' biggest fan.

Throw on a fantastic trench and some super fierce stilettos, a la Zoe Saldana, and BAM! Hotness! 

And finally, to take it more Fall-ish, we salute a duo of gorge! Jessica Biel and Eva Mendes... rockin' their's with ankle booties and tons of swagger. Bravo ladies, bra-vo!

I'm not going to lie, I fought this look hard for a hot minute... but when it's good, it's good. So dare to let your love tunnel breathe and slip into some crazy, sexy, cool jeans (that is my tribute to TLC, the first  ladies to really go hard with boy cut jeans. Don't go chasin' waterfalls...)!

How do you feel about this look? What are your favorite ways to wear this cut? Spill it! 


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Be Inspired... but be smart

I am a huge fan of people following their dreams. My stone cold heart literally hurts thinking about people waking up day after day in a miserable funk because they hate what they have committed their lives to. For example: I love numbers. I love solving numerical problems. I love balancing financial documents. But I would hate hate hate (that's an ugly word) really really not like being an accountant. I just don't have it in me to do that for a living. However, I have friends who are accountants and they love it! It is genuinely satisfying work for them. And doctors... saints! I could never dig around a woman's love tunnel all day (OB-GYN) or poke around a funky halitosis mouth (dentist) all day. Never. Just never! But thank God there are people who actually love that mess because people like that make the world go round. And you too should do what you love. Life is too short! Find your passion and run with it! But before you do, consider this...

I am not a huge fan of people just jumping off the cliff of stability without any sort of lifeline and crushing the future of anything they can cling onto on the way down. And I am most certainly not a fan of people, following their dreams, being successful and then turning into a maj' d-bag. Don't do it folks, not cute. Don't just quit your job that gives you a paycheck to support yourself and/or your family. Being responsible is awesome. I'll take that one step further and say "being responsible is friggin' sexy".  You know who else is sexy? Ryan Gosling.

I mean, hello! HEL-LO! Rumor has it this guy is also super nice and socially responsible. Stopping fights between randoms on the streets and pulling girls back from getting hit by cabs. Sigh... Mr Gosling, I salute you. And I lurve you. But you know what would make him remarkably less attractive? Being a douche. Not paying his bills. Mooching off others. Owing the IRS money. Shall I keep going?

So moral of the story. Do something you love, yes! But do it responsibly and do it humbly. Here are my Top 5 things to "Do" when following your dreams:
- "Do" have a plan, and a back-up plan, and a get-out-alive plan!
- "Do" surround yourself with supportive peeps who can keep it real with you, and keep you centered.
- "Do" good things. Period. Do good and you'll feel good. Give thanks, show grace, and just be nice!
- "Do" keep trying. Success is fleeting, so never stop trying.
- "Do" take time to re-fuel. Even if you love love love what you do, it is so important to take "me" time. You are important, you are worth it.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

for Love or Money

Drool. That's right, drool. I drool over designer clothes, bags, jewelry... I drool. Drool-ee-la-la, if you will :)

(But let's just be real for a hot second - I only legit drool about 87% of the time. Just because you are a designer does not mean you always have great taste. Some of the crap people put out there is just fugly and it needs to be stopped. Stop saying it's your "creative vision" or it's "before it's time", that's a load of you-know-what. It's fug'! So just stop it.) --- I digress, let's get back to it...

Ok, drooling... but just because I love a certain designer's chunky metal watch, and own a few of them, doesn't mean I need (and by need, I mean have the financial means) to fork out $400 every time I want a different color. Girlfriend needs to eat (and by eat, I mean drink copious amounts of wine and blocks of cheese -- no judgement please, it's still cheaper than therapy and meds)! And just because I love the look of true leather, doesn't mean that I can't find a sweet little vegan piece that still looks amaze and costs like 1/4 of what a cow carcass would (again, don't get crazy, I'm not going all red-paint-splashing-PETA on you. Do what you do lady friends.).

And, admittedly, as much as I love the real deal designer duds... I kind of lurve (don't get it? say it out loud and you will get hooked on how fun it is) when a super fashionable friend says "Oh my gosh, I love your dress. Is that ____?" and just fill in the blank with whatever designer. I swear I get like a little adrenaline spike knowing that I look like $800 and only spent $60. Boo-yow!

Moral of the story? Splurge. Go Nuts. Buy whatever designer item you want (within your financial limits. Being broke for fashion is not cute on anyone. Truth.). But don't limit yourself to only buying the big names. You can look just as fresh and bang-bang-pow without having to dish out all your dough.  
