Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why Online Shopping is la'JAM!

I seriously don't think that there has been a better invention than this glorious thing we call the world wide web. Besides being able to provide me random facts that make me look super smart to my friends and colleagues, it has made life super convenient. Seriously, the internet may or may not be my best friend (no judgement, please). It makes me laugh, makes me cry, it can even deliver food to my front door without having to actually talk to anyone (which is amazing because somedays I seriously think I might lose my mind if I have to talk to one more person!). I love being able to sit in the comfort of my home, a cute coffee shop, or an awkward economy class airplane seat and browse for homes, gifts, clothes etc. 

So without further a due, here are the my Top 5 Reasons Why Online Shopping is la'JAM! (la'JAM = the jam = awesome = amazefest USA = a great thing!)

1. Sip and Shop is acceptable, and arguably encouraged regardless of the fact that we aren't all a RHOC

2. No screaming rugrats

3. Weather can't get in the way of my shop-flow (seriously, how do you carry and bags in that mess?!?)

4. No shower and pajamas are perfectly acceptable attire (ummmm no judgement, but this aint cute on nobody!)

5. No crowds (Good Lord, this picture just makes me want to crawl out of my skin! CANNOT handle that mess!)

I don't have much left to say... basically because that last picture has induced a mild panic attack... I got to go... drink some wine or something... Mercy! 

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